Home Small Contractor/Contractor Surety Bonds Contract, Bid or Performance Surety Bonds including Small Contractors

All Types of Contract Surety Bonds
Contracts are generally done through a solicitation bid letting procedure where companies and individuals can bid on services or goods. The process could include completion of a Bid Bond Form, application to a vendor system, and other requirements.
Contract Surety Bonds are often required by the federal government, local municipalities, counties, states, universities or private entities. The process generally begins with a bidding process and if awarded the contract, a contract bond or payment and/or performance bond (such as for Rehabilitation of a Building Contract) may be required.
There are several categories that fall under the umbrella of contract surety bonds which include:
Supply Bond - Guarantees that the company will supply the goods and materials with a specific timeline as outlined in the contract.
Bid Bond - The surety prequalifies the contractor bidding on the project. The surety bond confirms that if the contractor is the low bidder, the surety will issue the performance and payment bonds.
Performance Surety Bond - Guarantees the contractor will perform the duties written in the contract, including finishing the project on time, staying within budget and other terms within the contract.
Proposal Guarantee Surety Bond - Is another definition/term for Bid Bond and includes the same aspects.
Payment Surety Bond - Guarantees that laborers, subcontractors, and suppliers are paid.
Payment and Performance Surety Bonds - Guarantees that a contractor will pay all suppliers and subcontracts for labor and materials and faithfully perform all duties set forth in a contract.
Maintenance Surety Bond - Guarantees materials and workmanship for a certain period of time after a project is completed.
We offer surety bond programs for any contractor who needs contract bonds. And we do much more than just underwrite your Contract Bond. We advise you at each step in the process and work with you to increase your bonding capacity and offer funds control to keep your large project on track. In fact, the financial review we do with you will enable you to develop a framework for growing your business for years to come. To get started, download our Surety Bond Kit. It contains all the information you need to apply for a contract surety bond. Have questions? Contact SuretyGroup.com and we'll be happy to help.
The Small Contractor Surety Bond Program (SCP)
SuretyGroup.com has been working with small contractors who want to apply for construction surety bonds but have only several years experience, have completed smaller jobs and do not have extensive business financials (CPA), can apply for our Small Contractor Program. It's quick, with a simple application process, no business financials required up to $750,000 in total bonded projects and the program is based on personal credit of the owners(s). As your projects increase in bonding size, we work with your company through the process to build your bondability and portfolio.
Types of Contract Possibilities:
Building Contract Surety Bonds
Advance Payment Contract Surety Bond
Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation Contract Surety Bond
Aircraft Construction Contract Surety Bond
Airport Buildings Contract Surety Bond
Aluminum Siding Contract Surety Bond, Vinyl Siding Contract Surety Bond, Glazing Contract Surety Bond, Non-Structural Curtain Wall Contract Surety Bond
Apartment Building Contract Bond and Multi-Family Housing Contract Surety Bond
Arms Contract Surety Bond, Ash Conveyor Contract Surety Bond, Automatic Stoker Contract Surety Bond, Boiler Re-tubing Contract Surety Bond, Boiler Repair Contract Surety Bond, Coal Handling Machinery Contract Surety Bond, Conveyor Contract Surety Bond, Dynamos Contract Surety Bond, Generator Contract Surety Bond, Mail Handling Machinery Contract Surety Bond, Organ Repair Contract Surety Bond, Parking Meter Contract Surety Bond, Radio Control Tower Contract Surety Bond, Recapping Tires Contract Surety Bond, Rolling Stock Contract Surety Bond, Signal Systems on Railroads Contract Surety Bond, Toll Gate Contract Surety Bond, Traffic Control Systems on Highway Contract Surety Bond
Asbestos Remediation Contract Surety Bond, Asbestos Removal Contract Surety Bond or Asbestos Encapsulation Contract Surety Bond
Automotive Service Contract Surety Bond, Automatic Stoker Contract Surety Bond, Cataloging Contract Surety Bond, Exterminating Contract Surety Bond, Furnishing Food Service Contract Surety Bond, Incinerator Operation Contract Surety Bond, Mosquito Control Contract Surety Bond, Office Personnel Contract Surety Bond, Photogrammetric Work Contract Surety Bond, Processing Service Contract Surety Bond, Weed Mowing Contract Surety Bond, Window Cleaning Contract Surety Bond, Work and Labor Contract Surety Bond
Bridge Construction Contract Surety Bond, Bridge Completion Contract Surety Bond
Bridge Furnishing Contract Surety Bond, Bridge Erection Contract Surety Bond, Bridge Superstructure Contract Surety Bond
Building Rehabilitation Contract Surety Bond
Carpentry Contract Surety Bond - including Framing Contract Surety Bond and Finish Contract Surety Bond
Commercial Building General Contract Bond
Civil Site Engineer Surety Bonds
Completion Contract Surety Bond
Computer and Data Processing Equipment Contract Surety Bond, Data Processing and Computer Work Contract Surety Bond, Software Contract Surety Bond, Telephone Exchange System Contract Surety Bond
Concrete Contract Surety Bond, Gunite Contract Surety Bond, and Swimming Pool Contract Surety Bond
Curbing Contract Surety Bond, Guttering Contract Surety Bond, Parking Area Contract Surety Bond, Athletic Field Contract Surety Bond, Playground Contract Surety Bond, Park Contract Surety Bond, Planting Contract Surety Bond, Cultivation of Land Contract Surety Bond, Road Medians Contract Surety Bond, Tennis Court Contract Surety Bond, River Banks Protection Contract Surety Bond
Ditching Contract Surety Bond, Drainage Contract Surety Bond, Irrigation Contract Surety Bond, Canal Contract Surety Bond, Levee Contract Surety Bond, Dikes Contract Surety Bond, Revetment Contract Surety Bond, Dam Contract Surety Bond and Lock Contract Surety Bond, Dry Dock Contract Surety Bond, Dock Contract Surety Bond and Wharf Contract Surety Bond, Aqueduct Contract Surety Bond, Breakwater Contract Surety Bond, Seawall Contract Surety Bond, Pier Contract Surety Bond, Embankment Contract Surety Bond, Jetty Contract Surety Bond, Spillway Contract Surety Bond
Dredging River Contract Surety Bond, Dredging Harbor Contract Surety Bond, Great Lakes Dredging Contract Surety Bond, Dredging Inland Contract Surety Bond
Drywall Contract Surety Bond and Plastering Contract Surety Bond
Educational Building Contract Surety Bond
Electrical Contract Surety Bond
Energy Surety Bonds - Solar, Gas, Oil, Wind Energy
EPC Contract Bonds (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contracts)
Fire and Alarm Systems Contract Surety Bond, Fire Escapes Contract Surety Bond, Floor Insulation Contract Surety Bond, Iron and Steel Contract Surety Bond, Kitchen System Contract Surety Bond, Lightning Rod Contract Surety Bond, Metal Windows and Shutters Contract Surety Bond, Police Alarm Systems Contract Surety Bond, Public Address and Music Systems Contract Surety Bond, Scaffolding Contract Surety Bond, Sidewalks Contract Surety Bond, Stand Pipes Contract Surety Bond, Thermostat Equipment Contract Surety Bond, Water Tower Contract Surety Bond, Weather Stripping Contract Surety Bond
Foundation Contract Surety Bond, Excavation Contract Surety Bond, Piling Contract Surety Bond, Test Boring Contract Surety Bond, Drilling Contract Surety Bond, Well Contract Surety Bond, Offshore Platform Contract Surety Bond
GSA Federal Construction Project Performance & Payment Surety Bonds
Heavy Construction Contractor Surety Bonds - Includes Specialty Trades Not Elsewhere Classified
High Voltage Electrical Contractor Surety Bonds
Hospital Building Contract Bond and Clinic Building Contract Surety Bond
Industrial Building Contract and Plant Building Contract Surety Bond
Infrastructure Contractor Surety Bond
Landscaping Contract Surety Bond- Including Golf Course Construction Contract Surety Bond
Machinery Made to Order Contract Surety Bond
Marine and Waterway Contractor Surety Bonds
Masonry Contract Surety Bond, Stone Contract Surety Bond –Cut Contract Surety Bond or Dressed Contract Surety Bond, Tile Contract Surety Bond and Terrazzo Contract Surety Bond
Mechanical Contractor Surety Bond
Military Traffic Management Contract Surety Bond, Military Terminal Services Contract Surety Bond
Moving and Hauling Contract Surety Bond
Office Building Contract Surety Bond
Painting Contract Surety Bond and Sandblasting Contract Surety Bond
Pile Driver Contractor Surety Bonds
Pipelines for Water Contract Surety Bond, Pipelines for Gas Contract Surety Bond, Pipelines for Filtering Plant Contract Surety Bond, Pipeline for Waterworks Contract Surety Bond, Pipeline for Fountain Contract Surety Bond, Pipeline for Sewage Contract Surety Bond and Pipeline for Water Treatment Plant Contract Surety Bond, Pipeline for Underwater Cable Contract Surety Bond
Plumbing Contract Surety Bond
Power Transmission Lines Construction Contract Bond, Telephone Lines Construction Contract Bond, Fiber Optics Contract Bond
Removal of Garbage, Snow or Ashes Contract Surety Bond
Roofing Contract Surety Bond
Sanitary Sewer Contract Surety Bond, Storm Sewer Contract Surety Bond, Septic Tank Contract Surety Bond
School Bus Transportation Contract Bond
Site Improvement Bonds
Solar Power Contractor Surety Bond
Street Lighting Contract Surety Bond, Subway Lighting Contract Surety Bond Highway Materials and Supply Contract Surety Bond Road Maintenance Contract Surety Bond, Highway Maintenance Contract Surety Bond, Street Maintenance Contract Surety Bond Shoring Up Contract Surety Bond
Subcontractor Performance Surety Bonds
Subdivision Surety Bond
Supply Maintenance Contract Surety Bond
Timber Cutting Contract Surety Bond, Timber Cutting Performance Contract Surety Bond for Sale and Cutting, Timber Cutting Payment Contract Surety Bond for Sale and Cutting, Timber Cutting for Hire Contract Surety Bond
Towing Contract Surety Bond, Wrecking Contract Surety Bond, Dismantling Contract Surety Bond, Demolition Contract Surety Bond
Transportation Infrastructure Contractor Surety Bonds - Includes:
Highway Surfacing Contract Surety Bond, Highway Resurfacing Contract Surety Bond, Highway Repairs Contract Surety Bond, Airport Runway Surfacing Contract Surety Bond, Airport Runway Resurfacing Contract Surety Bond, Airport Runway Repairs Contract Surety Bond, Highway Guardrail Contract Surety Bond, Highway Striping Contract Surety Bond, Highways Contract Surety Bond, Airport Runway Contract Surety Bond, New Highway Construction Contract Surety Bond, Reconstruction of Highways Contract Surety Bond, New Airport Runway Contract Surety Bond, Reconstruction of Runway Contract Surety Bond
Trash Disposal Plant Contract Surety Bond, Trash Disposal Incinerator Contract Surety Bond, Trash Disposal Precipitator Contract Surety Bond, Trash Disposal Scrubber Contract Surety Bond, and Other Trash Disposal System Contract Surety Bond or Trash Disposal Facility Contract Surety Bond, Disposal of Hazardous Waste Contract Surety Bond or Disposal of Non-Hazardous Waste Contract Surety Bond
Tunnel Contract Surety Bond and Subway Contract Surety Bond, Railroad Bed Contract Surety Bond, Rail Transit System Contract Surety Bond
Underground Water Contract Surety Bond and Heavy Civil Engineering Contractor Surety Bond
Utility Contractor Surety Bond
Water Disposal System Contract Surety Bond or Water Disposal Facility Contract Surety Bond
Water and Sewer Contractor Surety Bond
Related Links:
Read our blog "Celebrating Contractors on Father's Day"
Read our blog Your State’s Construction Projects Require Performance Bonds
Read our blog, Palm Beach County License & Permit Bonds
Download an Application for a NonResident Contractor's Tax Bond More Surety Bond Questions?
Check out our FAQ page or What’s a Surety Bond? page. Should you need or choose to buy a surety bond, buy from us. SuretyGroup.com has been underwriting surety bonds throughout the U.S. for more than 35 years. When you work with us, you enjoy the unique benefit of dealing with a team of highly experienced surety agents with in-house underwriting authority. This allows you to receive competitive, low rates, quick approvals, and immediate bond delivery. In most cases, your bond will be delivered within 24 hours after you apply for it.

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