Tax Liability Surety Bonds for Georgia Farm Wineries

A farm winery is a winery that uses at least 40% of its annual production from agricultural produce grown in the state where the winery is located. This includes growing grapes, berries, or other fruits for the production of wine by the winery.
Georgia farm wineries must pay taxes and license fees to the state. In order to ensure compliance with the state laws and regulations, a farm winery is required to obtain a $5,000 surety bond. The bond guarantees that all taxes, license fees, and rental charges will be paid.
Bond Amounts for Georgia Alcohol and Tobacco License Requirements:
- Brewpub License Performance and Tax Liability Surety Bond: $5,000
- Brokers Distilled Spirits License Performance & Tax Liability Surety Bond $2,500
- Cigar and Cigarette Distributors License Performance and Liability Tax Surety Bond: no less than $1,000
- Importers Distilled Spirits License Performance & Tax Liability Surety Bond $5,000
- Liquor Broker Tax Surety Bond $2,500
- Liquor Importer Tax Surety Bond $5,000
- Liquor Manufacturer Distillery Tax Surety Bond $10,000
- Liquor Wholesalers Tax Surety Bond: $5,000
- Malt Beverage Bond Performance and Tax Liability Surety Bond $5,000
- Malt Beverage Wholesalers Tax Surety Bond $5,000
- Manufacturers Distilled Spirits License Performance & Tax Liability Surety Bond $10,000
- Registered Producers License Performance & Tax Liability Surety Bond $10,000
- Retailers and Consumption on Premises Liquor License Performance and Lax Liability Surety Bond $2,500
- Tobacco Distributors Tax Stamp Surety Bond (bond amount determined by the Department)
- Wholesalers Distilled Spirits License Performance & Tax Liability Surety Bond (bond amount determined by the Department)
- Wholesalers Malt Beverage License Performance & Tax Liability Surety Bond (bond amount determined by the Department)
- Wholesalers Wine License Performance & Tax Liability Surety Bond (bond amount determined by the Department)
- Winery Manufacturer, Broker, or Importer Performance & Tax Surety Bond $5,000
Did You Know?
Surety bonds for Georgia Farm Wineries expire on Dec. 31 each year.
How Much Will This Bond Cost?
The premium that you pay for a Georgia Farm Winery Tax Liability Surety Bond is dependent on credit. Rates start at $100 with good credit. Contact our Surety Bond Specialists for a free quote that fits your specific situation.
Related Links:
Georgia Excise Taxes
Alcohol Licensing - Georgia Department of Revenue
More Surety Bond Questions?
Check out our FAQ page or What’s a Surety Bond? page. Should you need or choose to buy a surety bond, buy from us. has been underwriting surety bonds throughout the U.S. for more than 35 years. When you work with us, you enjoy the unique benefit of dealing with a team of highly experienced surety agents with in-house underwriting authority. This allows you to receive competitive, low rates, quick approvals, and immediate bond delivery. In most cases, your bond will be delivered within 24 hours after you apply for it.

For a downloadable application